Source code for omaha.client

import pandas as pd
import requests
import json
from cachetools import cached

[docs]class Client(object): """ Buffett Code API Client Attributes: apikey (str): Apikey for BuffettCode API """ ENDPOINT = "" def _get(self, path, params={}): headers = {"x-api-key": self.apikey} return requests.get( f"{Client.ENDPOINT}/api/v2{path}", params=params, headers=headers ) def __init__(self, apikey): self.apikey = apikey
[docs] @cached(cache={}) def quarter(self, ticker, from_q, to_q): """Quarter endpoint See: Parameters: ticker (str): Ticker symbol from_q (str): Beginning quarter of the target range to_q (str): End quarter of the target range """ res = self._get("/quarter", {"tickers": ticker, "from": from_q, "to": to_q}) j = res.json() return j
[docs] @cached(cache={}) def companies(self): """Company endpoint See: """ res = self._get("/company") j = res.json() return j
[docs] @cached(cache={}) def search(self, keywords): """Search endpoint See: """ res = self._get("/search", {"keywords": keywords}) j = res.json() return j