• Difference between PCA and dA

    Today I gave a presentation about Deep Learning in my office. Through this presentation, I felt the difficulty of explanation about mathematic notion without equations. Complex concept should be attached with some equations. Simplicity was one of the biggest purpose of my presentaion. [Read More]
  • Memento pattern in Java

    Recently, I implemented some design patterns following this book. This book introduces 23 design patterns that all programmers should know when you write according to OOP instructions. So now I want to write this article about some of these patterns and explain these. All codes that used in this article... [Read More]
  • How is HashMap written in Java

    Here recently, I have a chance to read Java core API, expecially HashMap. Usually, I use HashMap paying no attention to, but this code reading brought many things to me. I can understand that how HashMap is written in Java and more this is very simple than I expected. So... [Read More]
  • TopCoder with IntelliJ IDEA

    When you try TopCoder, as you know, IDE is one of the most efficient options to write accurate code very fast. So far, Eclipse is the most famous IDE in this field. However today, I know IntelliJ IDEA can also be the great editor to fight it out. So I... [Read More]