Eventually, I finished android lecture that is introduced on previous post In this lecture, I learned how to use Eclipse, Java and of course Android SDK

After coming home, I tried to creating a environent for android application development. However only installing Eclipse and creating same environment to lectures one makes me tired. So I create this environment with IntelliJ IDEA.

I use IntelliJ IDEA community edition because it is free. Until now I don’t think there is any lack of function with community edition

Install IntelliJ IDEA

From this page, download IntelliJ IDEA community edition. Follow the instructions of wizard. Done!

android project

Install Android SDK

From here, download android SDK. But there is one thing to pay attention. You don’t have to install ADT bundler version, bacause this package includes Eclipse and its plugins. With IntelliJ IDEA, these are not necessary to install.

And then, unzip this package. Put android-sdk-macosx on any directory. For example, I put on my home directory.


Run android package manager, and install requires packages.

$ cd ~/android-sdk-macosx
$ ./android-sdk-macosx/tools/android

Create project

Select android application module project.

android project

And select android SDK version that you installed previously. In this capture, I selected API version 19.

android project

It is very easy, isn’t it?

But unfortunately, android simulator is no more faster :(

I pray for the faster android emulator to Google.

Thank you :)