Have you ever tried to build LLVM module on macOS? It may common to build LLVM module on Linux (e.g. Ubuntu). But I have macOS as my main machine. So this is the article to explain how to build LLVM module on macOS with minimal steps.


Fortunately, all LLVM package and dependencies can be installed via Homebrew. It includes headers and libraries needed to build your own LLVM module.

$ brew install llvm

Your LLVM will be installed in /usr/local/opt/llvm.


CMake is a cross-platform build tool. CMake is often used to build C/C++ project but you can use CMake more generally. From LLVM 3.5, using CMake to embed LLVM into your project is recommended.

From LLVM 3.5 onwards both the CMake and autoconf/Makefile build systems export LLVM libraries as importable CMake targets. This means that clients of LLVM can now reliably use CMake to develop their own LLVM-based projects against an installed version of LLVM regardless of how it was built.

See LLVM document more detail.

LLVM package in CMake provides useful command to link libraries from LLVM. This is the minimum list of command needed to build LLVM module.

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.5)
project (myproject)



llvm_map_components_to_libnames(llvm_libs core)

add_executable(main main.cc)
target_link_libraries(main ${llvm_libs})

I’m going to explain one by one.

cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.5)
project (mybf)

This is the general setting which most projects require. project(PROJECT_NAME) is used to set the name of your project. CMAME_CXX_STANDARD is a variable to compile with C++11 standard.


LLVM CMake package provides useful commands to embed LLVM into your project. I’ll use llvm_map_components_to_libnames later.


Since header files of LLVM are stored in /usr/local/opt/llvm/include, we need to let CMake know where to search for. include_directories is similar to -I option in clang.

llvm_map_components_to_libnames(llvm_libs core)

This command is similar to add_library command. core library is linked to the target with the name of llvm_libs. You can specify multiple target libraries as you like. For example,

llvm_map_components_to_libnames(llvm_libs support core irreader)

After that, you can link all necessary libraries by just specifying the name, llvm_libs.

target_link_libraries(main ${llvm_libs})

LLVM core is linked to main target. So your main program can use LLVM core library now.


We often our-of-source build by CMake, which is nice way to build your project because it does not affect on your original source code at all.

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

That’s all!