(1) API (4) API Gateway (1) APM (1) ARM (2) AWS (18) Academic (1) AdversarialExample (1) Airframe (1) Algorithm (7) Amazon (1) Apache (1) Application (2) Arm (1) Atom (3) Babel (1) Benchto (1) BigData (1) Binary (1) BlinkDB (1) Blog (2) Book (8) Buffett Code (1) Bug (1) C (2) C++ (4) C/C++ (1) CACM (1) CI (1) CIS (1) CLI (4) CMake (1) COVID-19 (3) CPU (1) CS (1) Career (1) Chinese (1) CircleCI (2) Cloud (3) CodeDeploy (1) Compiler (11) Compliance (1) Computer Science (2) ComputerScience (1) Conference (9) Container (3) Crawling (1) Dagger (1) Data (2) Data Scramble (1) Database (5) Deep Learning (2) DeepLearning (13) Design (1) Development (1) Device (2) Digdag (1) DistributedSystem (4) Docker (12) EBS (1) ECS (2) EInk (1) ES2015 (1) ES6 (1) ETL (1) EU (1) Editor (1) Elasticsearch (3) English (4) Error (1) Finance (1) Financial Data (1) Fluentd (1) Flyway (1) Framework (1) Future (2) GC (1) GPU (1) Georgia Tech (1) Git (2) GitHub (1) Glow (2) Go (2) Google (2) Guava (3) HA (1) HDFS (1) HTTP (3) Hadoop (6) HashTable (1) Heroku (1) Hive (3) Hivemall (1) Huawei (1) IAM (2) IDE (1) IMCS (1) IP (1) Idempotency (1) Image (1) InfluxDB (1) IntelliJIDEA (1) JSON (1) JVM (1) Japanese (1) Java (15) JavaScript (8) Jekyll (4) Jersey (1) LLVM (6) Language (5) Learning (2) Life (2) Linux (3) LoadBalancer (1) Log (1) Loop (1) MLIR (6) Machine Learning (4) MachineLearning (9) MapReduce (2) Math (5) Maven (1) Memory (1) Msgstars (1) Multiprocessor (1) MySQL (1) Network (5) NewYear (1) Node (1) Numpy (1) OLAP (1) OMSCS (2) OSS (1) OSX (1) OpenAPI (1) OpenData (1) OpenSSL (1) PCA (1) Pandas (1) Paper (8) Parallel Programming (1) PostgreSQL (2) Practice (2) Presentation (1) Presto (18) Procotol (1) Programming (7) Puppeteer (2) Python (12) RDBMS (1) RNN (1) RSpec (1) Rails (9) Ruby (10) SDK (1) SQL (11) SRE (1) SSL (3) Scala (9) ScalaTest (1) Science (2) Security (6) Serverless (1) Shell (1) Simulation (1) Software (2) SoftwareEngineering (1) Sony (1) Sort (1) Spanish (1) Spanning Tree (1) Spark (3) StackOverflow (1) Startup (1) Stock Value (1) Stream (1) Stripe (1) Study (2) Sublime Text (1) TLS (1) TODO (1) TensorFlow (12) TensorFlow.js (1) Tensorflow (2) Terraform (5) Test (3) Travel (1) TreasureData (1) Tree (1) Trie (1) Twitter (1) TypeScript (10) University (2) Unix (1) Update (1) VC Dimension (1) VPC (1) Web (10) WebGL (1) Wifi (1) WireMock (1) Workflow (2) Workshop (1) YouTube (1) bash (1) blog (1) book (1) books (1) bzip2 (1) c++ (1) compiler (2) copy (1) cpp (1) deeplearnjs (1) docker (1) documentation (3) elements (1) functools (1) iOS (1) iPhone (1) jekyll (1) jq (2) macOS (9) markdown (1) math (1) mysqldump (1) node.js (1) programming (1) sample (3) sbt (2) script (1) syslog (1) systemd (1) t-SNE (2) test (2) ulimit (1) zshrc (1)


How to deal with 'Failed to ping backend API' in Docker

 API (4)

Enable the schedule without backfill in Digdag
Easy API Response with Jb
POST API by Lambda with serverless framework
Querying Huawei 4G router to get the devices

 API Gateway (1)

VPC Link for internal HTTP endpoint

 APM (1)

Bulk install with APM

 ARM (2)

Presto Docker Container with Graviton 2 Processor
How to make ARM cross compilation on macOS

 AWS (18)

Extending EBS volume size
True Cause behind Additional Verification in ACM
CIS Compliance Benchmark for AWS
Terraformer accelerates the Terraform migration process
How to add new policy to IAM role by Terraform
POST API by Lambda with serverless framework
Presto Docker Container with Graviton 2 Processor
ALB Listener Rule with Terraform
Launch Your Own Presto Cluster with Terraform
Access Management of Elasticsearch Service with Python
How to install docker in Amazon Linux
Protect Your Application by AWS WAF
Simple ETL running on Docker and ECS
Embed docker image in CodeDeploy package
VPC Link for internal HTTP endpoint
Migration to Elastic Beanstalk from Heroku
Prime Day and AWS
AWS CLI with jq make things easy

 Academic (1)

We Love Papers We Love

 AdversarialExample (1)

BadNets: Identifying vulnerabilities in the machine learning model supply chain

 Airframe (1)

Introduction to Airframe

 Algorithm (7)

Major Dataflow Analysis Patterns
Bitshift to 64 bit in Java
Fast Fourier Transform in TensorFlow.js WebGL backend
Longest Prefix Match with Trie Tree
Illustration of Distributed Bellman-Ford Algorithm
Demystifying Spanning Tree Protocol
Radix Sort in Python

 Amazon (1)

An efficient bandit algorithm for real-time multivariate optimization

 Apache (1)

Hivemall is now Apache Incubator!

 Application (2)

Protect Your Application by AWS WAF
Protect Your Application by AWS WAF

 Arm (1)

Building aarch64 image with Docker

 Atom (3)

Moved to Sublime Text3
Bulk install with APM
Digdag syntax highlighter in Atom

 Babel (1)

Babel add-module-exports

 Benchto (1)

Use Benchto for evaluation of Presto

 BigData (1)

Talk at BigDataConfernce Vilnius

 Binary (1)

Implicit left-padding of the binary literal in Java

 BlinkDB (1)

About BlinkDB

 Blog (2)

Blog as a notebook
Keep blogging is Fun

 Book (8)

Suomi on kissan kieli
20ヵ国語ペラペラ - 私の外国語学習法
英語と日本人 ─挫折と希望の二〇〇年
Hands-On Machine Learning with TensorFlow.js
Reading papers with Sony DPT-CP1
Writing technical books in English
DeepLearning in the Browser
Professional Hadoop

 Buffett Code (1)

Omaha: Unified view of financial metrics of public companies

 Bug (1)

Invalid result caused by bzip2 input format in MapReduce framework

 C (2)

No rule to make target for MacOSX SDK
How to construct LL(1) grammar of arithmetic operations

 C++ (4)

Note for string compatible type conversion in C++
Dump IR by Glow Compiler
How to init Memref in MLIR
No rule to make target for MacOSX SDK

 C/C++ (1)

Compiling NNVM

 CACM (1)

You are only as available as the sum of your dependencies

 CI (1)

Notes on CircleCI v2

 CIS (1)

CIS Compliance Benchmark for AWS

 CLI (4)

Changing Python Version in Poetry with Pyenv
1Password Shell Plugin Now Supports TreasureData Toolbelt
VHS Language Cheat Sheet
Coloring jq with less command

 CMake (1)

No rule to make target for MacOSX SDK

 COVID-19 (3)

Visualize COVID-19 situation in Japan
Open Dataset for COVID-19
COVID-19 dynamics with SIR model

 CPU (1)

What is FMA (Fused multiply-add)

 CS (1)

Major Dataflow Analysis Patterns

 Career (1)

From 2017 to 2018

 Chinese (1)

My books are available in Chinese

 CircleCI (2)

Notes on CircleCI v2
Config of CircleCI 2.0

 Cloud (3)

How We Migrate Millions of Queries on The Cloud
Control Log Level of Terraform
Embed docker image in CodeDeploy package

 CodeDeploy (1)

Embed docker image in CodeDeploy package

 Compiler (11)

Support Fast-Math Flag in MLIR
Loop summation with MLIR
Order Sensitive Heterogeneous Partitioning in Glow
New C Frontend for MLIR Affine
What is FMA (Fused multiply-add)
What is Induction Variable
Dump IR by Glow Compiler
How to init Memref in MLIR
Conversion from std to llvm with MLIR
How to construct LL(1) grammar of arithmetic operations
Compiling NNVM

 Compliance (1)

CIS Compliance Benchmark for AWS

 Computer Science (2)

Earn Master's Degree from GA Tech
We Love Papers We Love

 ComputerScience (1)

How to construct LL(1) grammar of arithmetic operations

 Conference (9)

First Ever Presto Conference in Tokyo
Had a Talk at TensorFlow.js Workshop
Presto Summit 2019 at Facebook HQ
Federated Learning with TensorFlow
Talk at BigDataConfernce Vilnius
Gave a talk at TFUG #6
Spark Summit EU 2017
DB Tech Showcase Tokyo
Attending IMCS EU 2017

 Container (3)

Simple ETL running on Docker and ECS
Embed docker image in CodeDeploy package
Changing the VOLUME within Dockerfile

 Crawling (1)

Simple web crawling with Puppeteer in TypeScript

 Dagger (1)

How to inject Jersey Resource in Dropwizard with Dagger

 Data (2)

Visualize COVID-19 situation in Japan
Open Dataset for COVID-19

 Data Scramble (1)

Data Scramble in OLAP

 Database (5)

How to reindex Elasticsearch
DB Migration with Flyway
Learning CMU 15-721 (2)
Learning CMU 15-721 (1)
How to INSERT INTO with psycopg2

 Deep Learning (2)

Backpropagation Through Time
Introduction of dllib

 DeepLearning (13)

Create TensorFlow.js Project with Parcel
Federated Learning with TensorFlow
Annoucements in TensorFlow Dev Summit 2019
Custom WebGL Operation in TensorFlow.js
DeepLearning in the Browser
Gave a talk at TFUG #6
BadNets: Identifying vulnerabilities in the machine learning model supply chain
Compiling NNVM
Internal deeplearnjs - math
Accelerating innovation through analogy mining
Adversarial examples for evaluating reading comprehension systems
Try deeplearn.js
Style Transfer in TensorFlow

 Design (1)

Update the design to use indigo theme by Kopplin

 Development (1)

Moved to Sublime Text3

 Device (2)

macOS Monterey does not find HHKB for Bluetooth
Reading papers with Sony DPT-CP1

 Digdag (1)

Digdag syntax highlighter in Atom

 DistributedSystem (4)

Idempotency key in the Stripe Ruby SDK
Illustration of Distributed Bellman-Ford Algorithm
Invalid result caused by bzip2 input format in MapReduce framework
Writing technical books in English

 Docker (12)

How to deal with 'Failed to ping backend API' in Docker
Clear Docker Buildx Cache
Building aarch64 image with Docker
How to install docker in Amazon Linux
Use the latest community Presto in docker-presto-cluster
Run queries in your local Presto cluster on Docker
Simple ETL running on Docker and ECS
Launch distributed system with docker-compose
Embed docker image in CodeDeploy package
Using docker-compose for Rails app test
Changing the VOLUME within Dockerfile
exec format error in Docker container

 EBS (1)

Extending EBS volume size

 ECS (2)

Simple ETL running on Docker and ECS
Machine Learning on ECS

 EInk (1)

Reading papers with Sony DPT-CP1

 ES2015 (1)

Babel add-module-exports

 ES6 (1)

Babel add-module-exports

 ETL (1)

Simple ETL running on Docker and ECS

 EU (1)

Attending IMCS EU 2017

 Editor (1)

Moved to Sublime Text3

 Elasticsearch (3)

Elasticsearch Aggregation with Python DSL
Access Management of Elasticsearch Service with Python
How to reindex Elasticsearch

 English (4)

20ヵ国語ペラペラ - 私の外国語学習法
英語と日本人 ─挫折と希望の二〇〇年
Writing technical books in English
Keep blogging is Fun

 Error (1)

exec format error in Docker container

 Finance (1)

Random Walk of Stock Value

 Financial Data (1)

Omaha: Unified view of financial metrics of public companies

 Fluentd (1)

Too Many Open Files with fluent-logger

 Flyway (1)

DB Migration with Flyway

 Framework (1)

Enable the schedule without backfill in Digdag

 Future (2)

Async*Spec in Scalatest
ListenableFuture and immediateFuture

 GC (1)

Tuning G1 GC algorithm on JVM

 GPU (1)

Fast Fourier Transform in TensorFlow.js WebGL backend

 Georgia Tech (1)

Started OMSCS in GATech

 Git (2)

Caching HTTPS GitHub credentials
Sign your Git commit with SSH key

 GitHub (1)

Always on SSL of GitHub Pages

 Glow (2)

Order Sensitive Heterogeneous Partitioning in Glow
Dump IR by Glow Compiler

 Go (2)

Robin Hood hashing experiment
gimg - Terminal Image Viewer

 Google (2)

Google Keep for TODO List
Annoucements in TensorFlow Dev Summit 2019

 Guava (3)

Guava ImmutableMap (implicit?) limitation
ToStringHelper of Guava
ListenableFuture and immediateFuture

 HA (1)

High Availability of InfluxDB

 HDFS (1)

Invalid result caused by bzip2 input format in MapReduce framework

 HTTP (3)

Caching HTTPS GitHub credentials
Generate JSON response in Stoplight
VPC Link for internal HTTP endpoint

 Hadoop (6)

Invalid result caused by bzip2 input format in MapReduce framework
My books are available in Chinese
Writing technical books in English
Launch distributed system with docker-compose
bzip2 and MAPREDUCE-13270
Professional Hadoop

 HashTable (1)

Robin Hood hashing experiment

 Heroku (1)

Migration to Elastic Beanstalk from Heroku

 Hive (3)

Hivemall is now Apache Incubator!
Serialization in Hive UDAF
Assemble and creating table in Hive UDF

 Hivemall (1)

Hivemall is now Apache Incubator!

 Huawei (1)

Querying Huawei 4G router to get the devices

 IAM (2)

How to add new policy to IAM role by Terraform
Access Management of Elasticsearch Service with Python

 IDE (1)

Environment Variable in IntelliJ IDEA

 IMCS (1)

Attending IMCS EU 2017

 IP (1)

Longest Prefix Match with Trie Tree

 Idempotency (1)

Idempotency key in the Stripe Ruby SDK

 Image (1)

gimg - Terminal Image Viewer

 InfluxDB (1)

High Availability of InfluxDB

 IntelliJIDEA (1)

Environment Variable in IntelliJ IDEA

 JSON (1)

Coloring jq with less command

 JVM (1)

Tuning G1 GC algorithm on JVM

 Japanese (1)

Just started another blog in Japanese

 Java (15)

Clear Docker Buildx Cache
Presto Docker Container with Graviton 2 Processor
Implicit left-padding of the binary literal in Java
When to use var in Java 10
How to inject Jersey Resource in Dropwizard with Dagger
Bitshift to 64 bit in Java
Invalid result caused by bzip2 input format in MapReduce framework
Concurrent Object on Shared Memory
Maven Wrapper Home
Simple side effect by forEach in Java 8
Guava ImmutableMap (implicit?) limitation
ToStringHelper of Guava
ListenableFuture and immediateFuture
Tuning G1 GC algorithm on JVM
Serialization in Hive UDAF

 JavaScript (8)

Had a Talk at TensorFlow.js Workshop
Custom WebGL Operation in TensorFlow.js
Simple web crawling with Puppeteer in TypeScript
Internal deeplearnjs - math
Babel add-module-exports
Using Puppeteer in TypeScript
The end of website has not come
Try deeplearn.js

 Jekyll (4)

Always on SSL of GitHub Pages
Change Jekyll theme
Update the design to use indigo theme by Kopplin
Welcome to Jekyll!

 Jersey (1)

How to inject Jersey Resource in Dropwizard with Dagger

 LLVM (6)

How store-to-load forwarding works in MLIR
Loop summation with MLIR
What is Induction Variable
How to init Memref in MLIR
Conversion from std to llvm with MLIR
Build LLVM module on macOS

 Language (5)

Short Time Immersion in Language Learning
Suomi on kissan kieli
The word order in SVC sentence in Spanish
How to Enable Spanish Input Source
How to construct LL(1) grammar of arithmetic operations

 Learning (2)

Short Time Immersion in Language Learning
YouTube to Learn Science

 Life (2)

Remove Msgstars from iPhone Calendar
Google Keep for TODO List

 Linux (3)

How to install docker in Amazon Linux
Read syslog of systemd app
exec format error in Docker container

 LoadBalancer (1)

ALB Listener Rule with Terraform

 Log (1)

Control Log Level of Terraform

 Loop (1)

Demystifying Spanning Tree Protocol

 MLIR (6)

Support Fast-Math Flag in MLIR
How store-to-load forwarding works in MLIR
Loop summation with MLIR
New C Frontend for MLIR Affine
How to init Memref in MLIR
Conversion from std to llvm with MLIR

 Machine Learning (4)

VC dimension and predictive loss
Machine Learning on ECS
Introduction of dllib
Read Python Machine Learning

 MachineLearning (9)

Order Sensitive Heterogeneous Partitioning in Glow
Dump IR by Glow Compiler
Hello,World with MLIR (2)
Hello,World with MLIR (1)
Federated Learning with TensorFlow
Annoucements in TensorFlow Dev Summit 2019
Fast Fourier Transform in TensorFlow.js WebGL backend
Monte Carlo simulations in Instacart
An efficient bandit algorithm for real-time multivariate optimization

 MapReduce (2)

Invalid result caused by bzip2 input format in MapReduce framework
bzip2 and MAPREDUCE-13270

 Math (5)

What is FMA (Fused multiply-add)
Open Dataset for COVID-19
COVID-19 dynamics with SIR model
YouTube to Learn Science
VC dimension and predictive loss

 Maven (1)

Maven Wrapper Home

 Memory (1)

Concurrent Object on Shared Memory

 Msgstars (1)

Remove Msgstars from iPhone Calendar

 Multiprocessor (1)

Concurrent Object on Shared Memory

 MySQL (1)

Conditional mysqldump

 Network (5)

Longest Prefix Match with Trie Tree
Illustration of Distributed Bellman-Ford Algorithm
Demystifying Spanning Tree Protocol
Querying Huawei 4G router to get the devices
VPC Link for internal HTTP endpoint

 NewYear (1)

From 2017 to 2018

 Node (1)

The end of website has not come

 Numpy (1)

Trimming zero values from Python list

 OLAP (1)

Data Scramble in OLAP

 OMSCS (2)

Earn Master's Degree from GA Tech
Demystifying Spanning Tree Protocol

 OSS (1)

Awarded Google Peer Bonus Program

 OSX (1)

Build Presto on OSX

 OpenAPI (1)

Generate JSON response in Stoplight

 OpenData (1)

Open Dataset for COVID-19

 OpenSSL (1)

Ruby Build Failure with OpenSSL3

 PCA (1)

t-SNE visualization by TensorFlow

 Pandas (1)

Omaha: Unified view of financial metrics of public companies

 Paper (8)

We Love Papers We Love
Reading papers with Sony DPT-CP1
BadNets: Identifying vulnerabilities in the machine learning model supply chain
Monte Carlo simulations in Instacart
Prime Day and AWS
You are only as available as the sum of your dependencies
Accelerating innovation through analogy mining
Adversarial examples for evaluating reading comprehension systems

 Parallel Programming (1)

Completed 'Parallel Programming' at Cousera

 PostgreSQL (2)

Light way to remove whitespace in PostgreSQL
How to INSERT INTO with psycopg2

 Practice (2)

Remove Msgstars from iPhone Calendar
Why we should avoid default_scope in Rails

 Presentation (1)

Talk at BigDataConfernce Vilnius

 Presto (18)

Clear Docker Buildx Cache
Presto Docker Container with Graviton 2 Processor
Launch Your Own Presto Cluster with Terraform
Ensure Query Result Consistency with TinyPresto
Visualize Execution Plan in Presto
First Ever Presto Conference in Tokyo
Inspect Presto connection with Charles
Presto Summit 2019 at Facebook HQ
Use the latest community Presto in docker-presto-cluster
Run queries in your local Presto cluster on Docker
Launch distributed system with docker-compose
Use Benchto for evaluation of Presto
DB Tech Showcase Tokyo
QueueManager and Resource Group in Presto
Presto Driver,Split and Pipeline
About BlinkDB
Build Presto on OSX
Multi node Presto cluster on docker

 Procotol (1)

Inspect Presto connection with Charles

 Programming (7)

Note for string compatible type conversion in C++
Implicit left-padding of the binary literal in Java
Does assignment precede logical operator?
When to use var in Java 10
Bitshift to 64 bit in Java
How to construct LL(1) grammar of arithmetic operations
Concurrent Object on Shared Memory

 Puppeteer (2)

Simple web crawling with Puppeteer in TypeScript
Using Puppeteer in TypeScript

 Python (12)

Changing Python Version in Poetry with Pyenv
Specify project specific Python with Poetry
Elasticsearch Aggregation with Python DSL
COVID-19 dynamics with SIR model
Omaha: Unified view of financial metrics of public companies
Radix Sort in Python
Trimming zero values from Python list
Machine Learning on ECS
Generator comprehension
functools for cache
Read Python Machine Learning
How to INSERT INTO with psycopg2

 RDBMS (1)

Learning CMU 15-721 (1)

 RNN (1)

Backpropagation Through Time

 RSpec (1)

When to use describe/context/it in RSpec

 Rails (9)

Reinterpret Date within other timezone in Rails
Ruby Build Failure with OpenSSL3
Essential ways to make your Rails faster
Easy API Response with Jb
When to use describe/context/it in RSpec
Too Many Open Files with fluent-logger
Why we should avoid default_scope in Rails
Using docker-compose for Rails app test
Migration to Elastic Beanstalk from Heroku

 Ruby (10)

Reinterpret Date within other timezone in Rails
Caveat using all? and any? in Ruby
Ruby Build Failure with OpenSSL3
Easy API Response with Jb
When to use describe/context/it in RSpec
Too Many Open Files with fluent-logger
Does assignment precede logical operator?
Ensure Query Result Consistency with TinyPresto
Idempotency key in the Stripe Ruby SDK
Using docker-compose for Rails app test

 SDK (1)

Idempotency key in the Stripe Ruby SDK

 SQL (11)

How We Migrate Millions of Queries on The Cloud
Light way to remove whitespace in PostgreSQL
Ensure Query Result Consistency with TinyPresto
Visualize Execution Plan in Presto
Presto Summit 2019 at Facebook HQ
Run queries in your local Presto cluster on Docker
DB Tech Showcase Tokyo
QueueManager and Resource Group in Presto
Learning CMU 15-721 (2)
Presto Driver,Split and Pipeline
Multi node Presto cluster on docker

 SRE (1)

You are only as available as the sum of your dependencies

 SSL (3)

True Cause behind Additional Verification in ACM
Inspect Presto connection with Charles
Always on SSL of GitHub Pages

 Scala (9)

Environment Variable in IntelliJ IDEA
Exclude package by organization in sbt
DB Migration with Flyway
Async*Spec in Scalatest
WireMock in Scala
Completed 'Parallel Programming' at Cousera
Tag of ScalaTest
Finagle future and ...
Introduction to Airframe

 ScalaTest (1)

WireMock in Scala

 Science (2)

Open Dataset for COVID-19
YouTube to Learn Science

 Security (6)

1Password Shell Plugin Now Supports TreasureData Toolbelt
Caching HTTPS GitHub credentials
Sign your Git commit with SSH key
CIS Compliance Benchmark for AWS
How to add new policy to IAM role by Terraform
Protect Your Application by AWS WAF

 Serverless (1)

POST API by Lambda with serverless framework

 Shell (1)

Environment Variable in IntelliJ IDEA

 Simulation (1)

Monte Carlo simulations in Instacart

 Software (2)

Using docker-compose for Rails app test
Changing the VOLUME within Dockerfile

 SoftwareEngineering (1)

Blog as a notebook

 Sony (1)

Reading papers with Sony DPT-CP1

 Sort (1)

Radix Sort in Python

 Spanish (1)

The word order in SVC sentence in Spanish

 Spanning Tree (1)

Demystifying Spanning Tree Protocol

 Spark (3)

My books are available in Chinese
Writing technical books in English
Spark Summit EU 2017

 StackOverflow (1)

Join StackOverflow

 Startup (1)

Monte Carlo simulations in Instacart

 Stock Value (1)

Random Walk of Stock Value

 Stream (1)

Simple side effect by forEach in Java 8

 Stripe (1)

Idempotency key in the Stripe Ruby SDK

 Study (2)

Earn Master's Degree from GA Tech
How to Enable Spanish Input Source

 Sublime Text (1)

Moved to Sublime Text3

 TLS (1)

Inspect Presto connection with Charles

 TODO (1)

Google Keep for TODO List

 TensorFlow (12)

Hello,World with MLIR (2)
Hello,World with MLIR (1)
Had a Talk at TensorFlow.js Workshop
Create TensorFlow.js Project with Parcel
Federated Learning with TensorFlow
Annoucements in TensorFlow Dev Summit 2019
Fast Fourier Transform in TensorFlow.js WebGL backend
Custom WebGL Operation in TensorFlow.js
Awarded Google Peer Bonus Program
Gave a talk at TFUG #6
Style Transfer in TensorFlow
t-SNE visualization by TensorFlow

 TensorFlow.js (1)

Hands-On Machine Learning with TensorFlow.js

 Tensorflow (2)

t-SNE on Tensorflow
Mandelbrot in Tensorflow

 Terraform (5)

Control Log Level of Terraform
Terraformer accelerates the Terraform migration process
How to add new policy to IAM role by Terraform
ALB Listener Rule with Terraform
Launch Your Own Presto Cluster with Terraform

 Test (3)

When to use describe/context/it in RSpec
Using docker-compose for Rails app test
Tag of ScalaTest

 Travel (1)

Stars in travel

 TreasureData (1)

1Password Shell Plugin Now Supports TreasureData Toolbelt

 Tree (1)

Longest Prefix Match with Trie Tree

 Trie (1)

Longest Prefix Match with Trie Tree

 Twitter (1)

Finagle future and ...

 TypeScript (10)

Visualize COVID-19 situation in Japan
Had a Talk at TensorFlow.js Workshop
Custom WebGL Operation in TensorFlow.js
Simple web crawling with Puppeteer in TypeScript
Querying Huawei 4G router to get the devices
Awarded Google Peer Bonus Program
Internal deeplearnjs - math
Using Puppeteer in TypeScript
The end of website has not come
Try deeplearn.js

 University (2)

Earn Master's Degree from GA Tech
Started OMSCS in GATech

 Unix (1)

Check ulimit by process

 Update (1)

Welcome to Jekyll!

 VC Dimension (1)

VC dimension and predictive loss

 VPC (1)

VPC Link for internal HTTP endpoint

 Web (10)

Reinterpret Date within other timezone in Rails
True Cause behind Additional Verification in ACM
Generate JSON response in Stoplight
Essential ways to make your Rails faster
POST API by Lambda with serverless framework
Too Many Open Files with fluent-logger
How to inject Jersey Resource in Dropwizard with Dagger
Create TensorFlow.js Project with Parcel
Custom WebGL Operation in TensorFlow.js
Simple web crawling with Puppeteer in TypeScript

 WebGL (1)

Fast Fourier Transform in TensorFlow.js WebGL backend

 Wifi (1)

Querying Huawei 4G router to get the devices

 WireMock (1)

WireMock in Scala

 Workflow (2)

Enable the schedule without backfill in Digdag
Simple ETL running on Docker and ECS

 Workshop (1)

Had a Talk at TensorFlow.js Workshop

 YouTube (1)

YouTube to Learn Science

 bash (1)

exec format error in Docker container

 blog (1)

Just started another blog in Japanese

 book (1)

My books are available in Chinese

 books (1)

Flake it till you make it

 bzip2 (1)

bzip2 and MAPREDUCE-13270

 c++ (1)

Return std::make_unique from function?

 compiler (2)

Hello,World with MLIR (2)
Hello,World with MLIR (1)

 copy (1)

Return std::make_unique from function?

 cpp (1)

Return std::make_unique from function?

 deeplearnjs (1)

Internal deeplearnjs - math

 docker (1)

Machine Learning on ECS

 documentation (3)

Text Formatting Examples
Learning Resources
About the Author

 elements (1)

Markdown Common Elements

 functools (1)

functools for cache

 iOS (1)

Remove Msgstars from iPhone Calendar

 iPhone (1)

Remove Msgstars from iPhone Calendar

 jekyll (1)

Indigo, minimalist jekyll theme

 jq (2)

Coloring jq with less command
AWS CLI with jq make things easy

 macOS (9)

Specify project specific Python with Poetry
VHS Language Cheat Sheet
Chinese Pinyin in macOS keyboard
macOS Monterey does not find HHKB for Bluetooth
No rule to make target for MacOSX SDK
Building aarch64 image with Docker
How to make ARM cross compilation on macOS
Build LLVM module on macOS
Create disk image of macOS

 markdown (1)

Markdown Common Elements

 math (1)

Internal deeplearnjs - math

 mysqldump (1)

Conditional mysqldump

 node.js (1)

Finagle future and ...

 programming (1)

Return std::make_unique from function?

 sample (3)

Text Formatting Examples
Learning Resources
About the Author

 sbt (2)

Environment Variable in IntelliJ IDEA
Exclude package by organization in sbt

 script (1)

exec format error in Docker container

 syslog (1)

Read syslog of systemd app

 systemd (1)

Read syslog of systemd app

 t-SNE (2)

t-SNE on Tensorflow
t-SNE visualization by TensorFlow

 test (2)

Sample blog post to learn markdown tips
Flake it till you make it

 ulimit (1)

Check ulimit by process

 zshrc (1)

Don't forget export