Reading the tutorial of one software always brings me to the gateway leading to the other eternal journey. It’s an exciting experience if you are a technology enthusiast. Walking the path to be the software expert on your foot can be an irreplaceable event in your career.

But it’s also true that a guidebook written by the pioneer on the field gives you a distinct viewpoint on the path, and it can make your experience more exciting and profound.

I have walked through the Toy tutorial to learn the MLIR and have found many things to know through the journey. This article aims to clarify the point I struggled to grasp the concept and usage of MLIR based on my experience.

This time I’m going to focus on creating the Memref in a pass in a custom MLIR Dialect.

What is Memref in MLIR?

In the first place, what is a Memref at all? FAQ part of the official documentation gives us a brief introduction of the Memref type.

You can have a memref (a buffer in memory) containing Vectors, but you can’t have a memref of a tensor type.

Looking at this description, Memref is a low-level concept more directly associated with the underlying hardware. It’s just a pointer to the memory location where the tensor data (or vector) is stored. Memref dialect provides the way to manipulate the allocation or layout of the field pointed by the memref type. For instance, memref.alloc enables us to allocate memory space enough for the given data type. The following code allocates the contiguous memory field for 2x3x64 bits.

%0 = memref.alloc() : memref<2x3xf64>

As we use malloc in C, it is practically vital to call the memory resource’s deallocation explicitly. We can free the space by calling memref.dealloc.

memref.dealloc %0 : memref<2x3xf64>

Of course, we need to embed the values into the memref. That can be done by or, which can recognize memref type. %cst_3, %0[%c1, %c1] : memref<2x3xf64>

How can we create these IRs by using MLIR API?

Intialization Procedure

To make sure to call allocation and deallocation in a block, we get the block where the allocation is created. Block.front() and Block.back() provide us the correct location where allocation/deallocation pair should exist.

mlir::Location loc = ...
mlir::MemRefType type = ...
mlir::PatternRewriter rewriter = ...

auto alloc = rewriter.create<mlir::memref::AllocOp>(loc, type);
auto *parentBlock = alloc->getBlock();
auto dealloc = rewriter.create<mlir::memref::DeallocOp>(loc, alloc);

Store operation can be created as follows.

    rewriter.create<mlir::ConstantOp>(loc, 1.0),
    llvm::makeArrayRef([0, 0]));

loc is a location where this is created. alloc is a target memref type. The last argument specifies the index within the memref type where the value is assumed to be stored.

Finally, we will get the following MLIR code.

module  {
  func @main() {
    %0 = memref.alloc() : memref<2x3xf64>
    %c0 = constant 0 : index
    %cst = constant 1.000000e+00 : f64 %cst, %0[%c0, %c0] : memref<2x3xf64>
    memref.dealloc %0 : memref<2x3xf64>

We can construct any procedure to initialize memref type by obeying this convention overall. Please visit my toy project named mlir-hello for more detail.
