Keep learning is a critical thing contributing to going over a fruitful life, as Lynda Gratton says. Therefore, continuous effort to get knowledge and skills will be even more important to survive the world and forever change.

Three years ago, I decided to admit into the OMSCS program provided by the Georgia Institute of Technology. The program is a fully online course to obtain a master’s degree in computer science. The most notable thing about this course is by far the low tuition fee. It allows us to get a master’s degree from a US university while working in Japan without much cost.

After enjoying three years of studying, I have finally earned a master’s degree in computer science from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

I have learned a lot of things during these years. However, attaining credits from the courses along with my work, housekeeping, and child care was challenging. The fact I often saw a couple of people drop out of the class indicates the difficulty of completing this program. But laying the other rail along with my principal life should have opened the door to further possibilities in my career. So I concluded that going over the program was worth a try overall. If you are interested, let’s give it a try. Your effort will be rewarded for sure at the end of the day.

Thank you!