• Tensorflow Ops

    Tensorflow is a famous library for creating deep learning models. We can run efficient deep learning algorithms in Google scale. But it’s more GENERAL library than you thought. I have found that in this lessons. So I want to write several useful tips about Tensorflow Ops. [Read More]
  • How to build TensorFlow on macOS

    I tried to build TensorFlow on my macOS. It was not difficult for me as a result. I could build the TensorFlow according to the official instruction. So I’ll add the tiny tips for building TensorFlow in addition to original instruction. [Read More]
  • functools for cache

    functools was introduced from Python3. This library provides the utility for creating higher-order functions in Python. I didn’t have any experience of using functools. [Read More]
  • Always on SSL of GitHub Pages

    Though I have longed for Always on SSL in this site, I hesitated to do that because it looks troublesome and cost me some money. Yesterday, I found a nice article about enabling Always on SSL on GitHub Pages. [Read More]