• ListenableFuture and immediateFuture

    ListenableFuture is a Future interface implementation in Google Guava library. Since it has compatibility with Future, you can replace Future with ListenableFuture. ListenableFuture provides a mechanism of lister callback in addition features of Future. The result of Future should be fetched by main thread later but ListenableFuture call the callback... [Read More]
  • Learning CMU 15-721 (1)

    普段分散システムやデータベースの開発やメンテナンスをしているけれど、体系立ってデータベースのアカデミックな研究に触れたことがなかったのでCMU 15-721を一通り見てみようと思った。なぜこれを勉強してみようと思ったかというと周りの人が何人もおすすめをしていたからだ。少しずつ勉強してみたい。 [Read More]
  • Config of CircleCI 2.0

    At the end of the last year, CircleCI 2.0 was released as closed beta. The main differences are described here. So according to the migration guide, I want to make a list to be noted when you migrate your project toward CircleCI 2.0. Of course for myself. [Read More]
  • gimg - Terminal Image Viewer

    At the beginning of this year, I decided to learn some new programming languages. For now, these are Go and Haskell. Go is obtaining popularity among system programming and development tools like Docker. Haskell seems to be good for learning another programming paradigm, pure functional programming. [Read More]