• I have a dream

    Today, I took a walk with one of my friend. He joined my office the end of last year and he is from Wuhan, China. He is a good man and very kind to me wherever we met. We walked around imperial palace and visited Tokyo station, Imperial Palace East... [Read More]
  • Your own cluster with storm-devenv

    As written in this post, I developed a tool for constructing storm cluster more easily. When you want to add new features or investigate some bugs issued by others, this tool will be useful. Usually this kind of tools can only construct a cluster with released packages. storm-devenv enables us... [Read More]
  • Making storm cluster for development

    When you develop big data processing platform such as Hadoop, Spark and Storm, you need to construct a cluster. You can create it with whichever virtual machines and real server. Personally it is hard to obtain real servers. Setting up networks and configurations are tough work. So you might use... [Read More]
  • Targets in 2015

    This is my first post in 2015. There was a lot of things in last year and so will it this year. At the beginning of new year, I’d like to write down three targets I want to achieve. [Read More]