• Hack NHK

    Recently, there are a lot of hackathon in Japan. This word “Hackathon” also have been familiar word to non programmers. People want to use this type of event in order to solve any problems they have at office, home and life. [Read More]
  • What is the essential factor of autoencoder?

    The other day, I wrote neural network which implements backpropagation algorithm. Following this program I write denoised autoencoder program by inheriting previous neural network. Backpropagation algorithm is generally good performance in spite of the simplicity. With this code, I can be ranked in at the 266th(May 20th, 2014). So I... [Read More]
  • Dear, O

    Hello, nice to meet you. I am a novice software engineer who has worked for about 2 years. An ordinary man. I have no honor, no fame and no wealth. Of course you don’t know who I am. There is no connection between us such as email, facebook and twitter.... [Read More]
  • Heart Bleedを読んだ

    今日の日本時間13:00頃、OpenSSLに致命的なバグがあることがわかった。全世界で動いているSSLプロセスが影響を受ける。 簡単に言うと、メモリ上にある任意のデータを漏洩する可能性があるバグだ。 このバグはもう2年も前からあったらしいがGoogle Security TeamのNeel Mentaに見つけられたのはつい最近で、パッチがあたったのは十数時間前だ。 [Read More]