• Trying word2vec from Twitter corpus

    Do you know word2vec? This library is one of the hottest module which provides an efficient implementation of the continuous bag-of-words and skip-gram architectures for computing vector representations of words. [Read More]
  • Use JavaScriptInterface on Android

    On Android, there is a system for calling Java method from JavaScript. This is called JavaScriptInterface. With this class, you can call Java methods run on Android application from JavaScript written on any HTML file. [Read More]
  • Android SDK on IntelliJ IDEA

    Eventually, I finished android lecture that is introduced on previous post In this lecture, I learned how to use Eclipse, Java and of course Android SDK [Read More]
  • Useful shortcuts for IntelliJ IDEA

    In this week, I am attending a lecture for developing mobile application on android. Of course I had no experience writing android applications, I have not written Java code in my life. Through this lecture, I was so impressed by the functionality of Eclipse. [Read More]
  • Go and Scala, Which should I use?

    Today, Go and Clojure compete with each other. Go will be one of the hottest programming language in this year. This is the compiler language which can be seen as the successor C++. [Read More]