• TopCoder with IntelliJ IDEA

    When you try TopCoder, as you know, IDE is one of the most efficient options to write accurate code very fast. So far, Eclipse is the most famous IDE in this field. However today, I know IntelliJ IDEA can also be the great editor to fight it out. So I... [Read More]
  • Actor model with node cluster

    If you want to implement asynchronous parallel system with nodejs, the best and easiest way might be using cluster. Cluster module is easy to use and provides you faster implementation. I wrote somewhat Actor like code that uses cluster module. [Read More]
  • Tokyo Node Gakuen 11th period

    Yesterday, I took part in Tokyo Node Gakuen 11th period for the first time. Though I want to attend this meeting to be a node hacker for a long time, I have not been able to get a chance to do so. About two weeks ago, I semi-completed n42 that... [Read More]
  • Optimize octopress for facebook post

    This blog made by octopress, ruby CMS tool. As many others do, I also combined this tool with GitHub pages But this method has one fault about posting on facebook. Octopress doesn’t include ogp properties as default. Ogp properties privide facebook meta information such as title, author, description and url.... [Read More]